Years Three to Six
In Years 3 to 6, we sustain our emphasis on breadth and balance, ensuring that children enjoy their learning whilst being mindful of the necessity to prepare them for the important senior school entrance exams they take in Year 6.
Children have subject specialists for Maths, English and Science and continue to have specialist teachers in music, drama, French, Spanish, P.E. and Forest School.
The increased independence is given to children in Upper School as children move between the different subject rooms, a structure that reinforces the transition to secondary school.
Through the embedded use of learning partners, pupils develop positive communication techniques such as open-ended questioning, active listening and debate. Such collaboration fosters creative problem-solving, critical thinking skills and confidence in expressing their ideas.
Our dedicated specialist teachers work closely with pupils and parents to give them the tools they need for their 11+ journey. Please visit our 11+ pages for more information about how we prepare the children for the 11+ here.