We had a brilliant evening on Friday night at our WPS Community parent cheese and wine tasting evening.
Our resident wine lover and parent Johnnie ran the session in the school hall with parents and teachers from across the school. We started off with an aperatif of Carpano Dry Vermouth as we arrived and then sat down in teams which were picked at random to start the evening.
The wine tasting started off by taste testing three white wines. Johnnie talked us through how to taste wine, firstly by looking at the wine, swirling it and then smelling it before taking a sip and savouring the wine. He talked us through what makes wine acidic and how and where in the world the wine is grown impacts the taste profile of the wine.
It then got trickier as we taste tested two further white wines and three red wines blindly, using our knowledge and worksheets to ‘guess’ the region, estate, grape variety, country and price. There were points on offer and it got quite animated and competitive! Working in our teams, we collected points throughout the night, having a small break for cheese and biscuits. It came down to the wire but the winning team took home a selection of gins and sprits that were kindly donated by year 5 parent.
We can’t wait for the next event!
Johnnie Parkhurt is a long-term wine lover who has been involved in the wine industry for several years; current Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) Diploma student and teacher of their courses to budding amateurs and restaurant staff